Saturday 18 May 2013

How Chinese medicine can help cancer treatment

Three most common methods used to treat cancer in Western medicine are surgical operations, chemotherapy and radiation cancer treatments. These treatment methods can be very effective in either removing cancer or suppressing the growth of cancer but there are also very harsh side-effects that can potentially be more harming than the cancer itself. Reducing these side-effects is a purpose of Chinese medical cancer treatments.

Chinese medicine has been largely recognised as an effective complimentary medicine for those who are undergoing cancer treatment. The benefits can include: 

Enhancing the immunity and suppressing the progression of cancer:
Malfunction of the immune system has been suggested to be one important factor leading to the occurrence of cancer. On top of this, cancer growth in itself, as well as Western treatment for cancer - surgical procedures, chemotherapy and radiotherapy - also significantly weakens the immune system. By improving the general constitution, Chinese medicine is known to be effective in enhancing the functioning of the immune system, strengthening the body’s defenses. This strengthens the body’s resistance against tumour growth, thus suppressing the progression of cancer.

Improving the general well being and improve the life quality:
Chinese medicine’s ability to improve the general wellbeing is also greatly beneficial for cancer support patients, as it can help alleviate many of the symptoms associated with cancer and/or its treatment, resulting in improved life quality for cancer support patients. Individualised treatment ensures that the prescribed Chinese herbs are specifically tailored to your particular condition, and are thus most effective in your particular case. In particular, Chinese medicine is known to be highly effective in reducing the side effects associated with radiation treatment and chemotherapy. These western methods of treatment are notorious for imposing many severe side effects upon patients, the most common of which including weazyness, poor appetite, nausea, hair loss, decrease in white blood cells and so on. Chinese medicine has been demonstrated to significantly reduce these, and help those undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy lead much better lives.

Anti-tumor effects:
Some Chinese herbal treatments have the ability to kill cancer cells, as well as prevent tumor growth.. They are effective in enhancing the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

In all, Chinese medicine treats cancer by focusing on the person themselves, rather than just the cancer. It is this which has allowed it to be such an effective complimentary treatment for those undergoing cancer treatment, one which has helped thousands of patients lead better lives throughout the course of their recovery.


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